After the demand of European countries: the cabinet approved the continuation of the indemnification of Palestinian banks

 After the demand of European countries: the cabinet approved the continuation of the indemnification of Palestinian banks

Itamar Eichner|28.11.24 | 19:09

The political-security cabinet approved in an urgent telephone poll a proposal by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance to extend by one year the indemnity for Israeli banks to enter into contracts with banks in the Palestinian Authority, until November 30, 2025. This, to prevent the collapse of the Authority. All members of the cabinet voted in favor, except for the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir who opposed. Shortly before the decision, the foreign ministers of Great Britain, France and Germany issued a joint statement in which they renewed the call to urgently extend the authorization for Israeli banks to contract with the Authority for at least 12 months to prevent the collapse of its economy.


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